Nursing management, religion & spirituality

Articles on spirituality and nursing management often claim that these fields have grown over the past 20 or so years. I sought to rigorously test these claims by conducting some detailed bibliometric research.  The results have just been published in the Journal of Nursing Management. The data supports claims that research activity and interest in both spirituality and religion in the field of nursing have grown steeply over recent years, and indeed continues to accelerate.

It’s not surprising that the research identified spirituality as a beneficial variable in management, training and care scenarios, and the field provides ample opportunities for much more research in the future.  Most of the research supports the view that considerations of patient spirituality and/or religious beliefs (when present) are important elements of care.

One of the key implications of the chapter is that nurse managers be equipped to foster not only a broader understanding of the variety of faith traditions found in multi-cultural societies, but also to develop an understanding of the ways in which individuals engage in spiritual practice outside traditional religious settings.

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